GENOCIDE (1999 – 2001)
one-channel sound, site specific installation
This is an installation which opposes the inside and the outside. At the entrance to the gallery there is a billboard/ advertisment for an imaginary new brand of soap. Once the visitors go in, they are immediately confronted with the floor of the first room, which is covered with shoes. In the second room there is a TV set “dressed” in combat gear, including side pockets with live ammunition and shell ammunition. A very soft but clear sound is emanating from the TV set itself: It is a well-known children’s song named “Guest/ War”, sung by children choir “KOLIBRI”, which appears to be speaking naively about the suitor of Istanbul Princess and his rude behaviour (»… he was picking his nose«) which caused the war. The environment is dimly lit, whereas main lighting focuses on the TV spot itself.
Here you can hear the song Guest/ War:
Spring Soap (2000 - 2003)
detaildigital print, dimensions variable, The print is announcing the installation ``Genocide`` at Kaludjerović's exhibition at Essl Museum, Vienna 2003
Spring Soap (2000)
detaildigital print, dimensions variable, The print is announcing the installation ``Genocide`` at Kaludjerović's exhibition at SKC Gallery, Belgrade, 2001
Genocide – TV (1999)
monitor, camouflage fabric + zipper + bullets, sound, , 35 x 50 x 40 cm, 1 min 16 sec