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design by Marija Ratković
developement by Nadežda Perišić Savić, Nikola Rajačić and Marija Ratković

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Ukraine 23.07.-30.08.2011: Opening 23. July Participating artists: AES+F (RUS), Daya Cahen (RUS), Philip Grözinger & Christian Pundschus (DE), Happy Famous Artists (BE), Dejan Kaludjerovic (SRB/AUT), Andrei Loginov (BLR), Matt Mullican(USA), Clement Page (UK), Steve Schepens (BE).  The range of the artists represented in this exhibition includes both internationally established as well as the young and hip. It is focused on

11/06/2011 - 10/07/2011 Erotographomania Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Dejan Kaludjerovic, Claire Lambe, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Sally Rees, Noel Skrzypczak, Ben Terakes, Paul Emmanuel Curator: Sarah Jones Location: CAST Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia More information: http://www.castgallery.org/

06. 03. - 03. 07. 2011.Curators: Nicole Fritz and Hans-Peter Wipplinger 400 Jahre Kinder im Porträt VON ENGELN & BENGELNhttp://www.kunsthalle.at/ Von Engeln und Bengeln. 400 Jahre Kinder im Porträt AES+F / Friedrich von Amerling / Sofonisba Anguissola / Monika Baer / Charles Beaubrun