Megacool 4.0 (2012)

Megacool 4.0. Jugend und Kunst
Mega cool 4.0 – youth and art curated by Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard
Opening: 14. June 2012 Exhibition runs from June 15th until October 7th, 2012 at Künstlerhaus k/haus in Vienna, Austria Künstlerhaus Karlsplatz 5 1010 Vienna
Open daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Thursdays until 9 p.m. Kuenstlerhaus
The exhibition at Künstlerhaus k/haus highlights the life worlds and creative productions of various youth cultures as reflected in international contemporary art. “MEGACOOL 4.0 – Youth and Art” presents photographs, interactive installations, video art, paintings, street art and sculptures made by visual artists (incl. Erwin Olaf (Vermeer award laureate 2011), Charlie White, Rinneke Dijkstra and Slinkachu) from across Europe, Russia, China and the USA. The exhibition is supplemented by objects and everyday items from Jugendkulturarchiv Frankfurt and a focus on young art from Vienna (incl. an installation developed by wienxtra-medienzentrum in collaboration with youngsters).
“MEGACOOL 4.0” presents fundamentally different types of youths: normal ones, assimilated hipsters, altar servers, drag kings, fat ones, thin ones, twins, celebrities, goths, hiphops, metalheads, ravers, cosplayers, avatars, aggressive girls. From installations such as “Mindless living” by LA Raeven and “Pitbull” by Martin Brand, Cao Fei’s “Cosplayer”, Andreas Gursky’s “Mayday I”, Michael Schmellings Serie “Atlanta HipHop” to Nan Goldin’s “Jimmy Paulette after the Parade”. The exhibits takes visitors on a visual foray through young people’s picturescapes and theme areas such as online cultures, light / dark, body and gender performances as well as their choreographies, fashion, games, sport and party. In addition to the fundamental questions in young people’s identity search, the creative minds of a generation are invited to take centre stage, those who use Web 2.0 platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, flickr, deviantart or animexx as a source of inspiration for aesthetic-creative experiments, explore creative freedom and produce new forms of art. “MEGACOOL 4.0” shows fundamentally different takes on “youth”, their movements, their poses, their objects and their fashion.
AES + F, Andreas Amrhein, Nadine Arbeiter, Petra Arnold, Aram Bartholl, Christian Bazant-Hegemark, Sabine von Bassewitz, Lars Borges, Martin Brand, Kimberly Clark, Robbie Cooper, Denis Darzacq, Diana Deu, Rineke Dijkstra, Dennis Dirksen , Ruud van Empel, Cao Fei, Franziska Fiolka, Matthias Fritsch, Daniel & Geo Fuchs, Nan Goldin , Andreas Gursky, Cosima Hanebeck, Marlene Hausegger, Anna-Lena Heidrich, Olaf Heine, Max Holicki, Anna Jermolaewa, Dejan Kaludjerovic, Sebastian Keitel, JK Keller, Angelika Loderer, Mark Leckey, Jocelyn Lee, Ulrike Lienbacher, Birte Svea Metzdorf, Matthias Meyer, James Mollison, Mareike Müller, Erwin Olaf, Ann-Sophie Paul, Hana Pesut, Jan Poppenhagen, Marion Poussier, Wendelin Pressl, Daniel Puhe, Jussi Puikkonen, L.A. Raeven, Birgit Richard, Römer & Römer, Rebecca Sampson, Michael Schmelling, Oliver Sieber, Carolin Simon, Katja Gunkel, Philipp Ries und Julia Thiemann, Sauli Sirviö, Slinkachu, Cornelia Sollfrank, Klara Petra Szabo, Alexander Tilgner, Albrecht Tübke, Ari Versluis, Ellie Uyttenbroek, Nadine Wagner, Andreas Weinand, Charlie White, Daniel Zerbst