Bologna Italia/Serbia: Crossing, 18th & 19th of July 2012 Participating artists: Ana Adamovic Dejan Kaludjerovic Iva Kontic Goran Micevski BobaMirjana Stojadinovic Saša Tkacenko Milos Tomic Karin Andersen Alberto Boccardi/Enrico Venturini/ aBP anybetterPlace Valeria Borrelli Daviddi/Riccioni/Tirendi Gemelli Kessler Futura Titteferrante Carlo
Megacool 4.0 (2012)
Megacool 4.0. Jugend und Kunst Mega cool 4.0 – youth and art curated by Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard Opening: 14. June 2012 Exhibition runs from June 15th until October 7th, 2012 at Künstlerhaus k/haus in Vienna, Austria Künstlerhaus Karlsplatz 5
Die Chic Boutique (2012)
@DIE AUSSTELLUNGSSTRASSE Ausstellungsstrasse 53 1020 Vienna 21st of April 2012 to 10th June 2012 Artists: Ovidiu Anton, Johanna Braun, Eva Chytilek, Emma Maud Corrall, Hélène van Duijne, Dejan Dukic, Chilo Eribenne, Karine Fauchard, Karin Ferrari, Denise Herz, Zorana Janjic, Christine
Indigo. Let’s start from this (2012)
Mestna galerija Nova Gorica, Slovenia Dejan Kaludjerovic Indigo. Let's start from this (A small retrospective) 03.02. - 24.02. 2012 Curator: Petja Grafenauer
Participant artists: Harun Farocki, Ulla von Brandenburg and Dejan Kaludjerovic Gallery KCB, Belgrade's Cultural Center From 27.01.2012 - 20.02.2012. The exhibition is part of the Prague Quadrennial Intersection and implemented with the support of the program "Culture" of the European
FAST – International Festival of Contemporary Creation
Terni, Italy from 15-Sep-11 to 25-Sep-11 Participating Artist in the Intersection program: Dace DzerinaDejan Klaudjerovic Hans Rosenström Joao Galante / Ana Borralho Mareunrol’s Paul Divjak
The Inaugural exhibition of Esc Art Centre in Lviv
Ukraine 23.07.-30.08.2011: Opening 23. July Participating artists: AES+F (RUS), Daya Cahen (RUS), Philip Grözinger & Christian Pundschus (DE), Happy Famous Artists (BE), Dejan Kaludjerovic (SRB/AUT), Andrei Loginov (BLR), Matt Mullican(USA), Clement Page (UK), Steve Schepens (BE). The range of the artists represented in this exhibition includes both internationally established as well as the young and hip. It is focused on
Erotographomania (2011)
11/06/2011 - 10/07/2011 Erotographomania Contemporary Art Spaces Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Dejan Kaludjerovic, Claire Lambe, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Sally Rees, Noel Skrzypczak, Ben Terakes, Paul Emmanuel Curator: Sarah Jones Location: CAST Gallery, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia More information:
Kunsthalle Krems (2011)
06. 03. - 03. 07. 2011.Curators: Nicole Fritz and Hans-Peter Wipplinger 400 Jahre Kinder im Porträt VON ENGELN & BENGELN Von Engeln und Bengeln. 400 Jahre Kinder im Porträt AES+F / Friedrich von Amerling / Sofonisba Anguissola / Monika Baer / Charles Beaubrun