Fragile Narratives, MEMPHIS, Linz (2019)
5 — 27 June 2019
Fragile Narratives, MEMPHIS Linz
Katarina Burin, Nikolaus Gansterer, Benjamin Hugard, Dejan Kaludjerović, Michèle Pagel, Estefania Peñafiel Loaiza, Tom Schmelzer, Anneliese Schrenk, Nita Tandon
curated by Klaus Speidel
Opening & Artist Talk
4/6 2019 7pm
Opposing modernist and post-modernist narratophobia, the exhibition tries to show that there is a kind of narration in art that avoids the pitfalls of corporate or political storytelling. While the stories told by politicians and ideologists are exclusive, the narrations in the exhibition invite multiple interpretations and are voluntarily instable. By bringing together different forms of narration in contemporary art, “Fragile Narratives” thus invites a reflection on stories used to dominate and enforce unique viewpoints.
Lastly, the show also considers curating itself as a fragile narrative that is not uniquely determined by the works an exhibition brings together. Thus, different narrations are developed around the works in the show, sometimes overlapping or even contradicting each other. Rather than visiting just one exhibition, visitors will thus experience three or more.