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@ The Brno House of Arts, Brno Opening: 23.9.2014 24. 9 – 16. 11. 2014 Curators: Maja Abdomerovic, Berthold Ecker, Roland Fink, Terezie Petišková, Jana Vránová Maja Bajevic, Tanja Boukal, David Cerny, Matthias Herrmann, Anna Jermolaewa, Dejan Kaludjerovic, Eva Kotaktova,

<< Rewind. meditations on film and memory @ Smac Opening: 18.09.2014 19.09.2014 – 28.09.2014 Curators: Maria McConaghy and Charlotte Van Buylaere Ana Adamovic | Arnold Dreyblatt | Dejan Kaludjerovic | Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven | Jasper Rigole | Susan Youssef SmacLinienstraße 57BERLIN

Contemporary Art from Middle-Europe and Danube Countries @ Stift Lilienfeld, Austria opening: September 17, 2014, 7 p.m. 18.09 – 12.10.2014 Curated by Carl Aigner Ana Adamovic| Uli Aigner | Inge Dick | Robert Hammerstiel | Dejan Kaludjerovic | Michael Lechner